Have You Found Yourself Not Going Out Much After You Turned 30?

It’s a funny thing- a day or two before New Years Eve, my roommates asked me if I was going to any kind of party or bar or would watch the ball drop on the big day and I was immediately just like ‘no.’

I didn’t feel at all bad about it. In fact, I didn’t feel one teeny weeny eentsy weentsy bit bad. I was actually relieved. I liked the idea of doing nothing on New Years Eve.

And both of them agreed. ‘No one seems to be doing anything for New Years,’ they said happily. They both had no particular plans- one of them was going to a friends house where they’d have some wine, but that was it. It was almost a gleeful realization- we don’t necessarily have to do anything for New Years and we’re still happy.

I actually ended up working a small but well-paying event on New Years Eve and then spending the rest of the night (the last 15 minutes of 2014) with my mom. We stayed in and watched the ball drop on tv. It was peaceful.

At first I thought it was a ‘being single on New Years Eve’ thing but that didn’t seem to be it at all. Many of my other friends who were in relationships or even married had a similar experience. ‘I stayed in. It was nice.’ was the most popular answer to the New Years Eve question.

And I wondered, ‘does this come with the territory of the 30s?’

For me, it doesn’t really have anything to do with the 30s. It started in my 20s. I’ve never been a huge clubber. I love house parties and chill bars, and can definitely throw back a few drinks, but even when I was 21, I was never a major partier. But perhaps it’s easier to admit that in the 30s.

Our awesome blogger friend Karen over at Confetti and Curves (she’s a sweetheart and has an incredible beauty blog) interviews other bloggers all the time with multiple questions- but my favorite is always: Describe your ideal Saturday night. The answers are just about always in favor of staying in, or going out but keeping things chill:

“At the ripe old age of 32, I’d rather spend the night in then go out. My Husband and I may just go to the bookstore and hang out, play video games, and order take out. I like to keep it low key since my weeks between school and work are so hectic.” -Jamie, http://www.sincerelymissdesign.com

Casual dinner and a movie out (with a GIANT bucket of buttered popcorn), followed by relaxing on the couch with more TV. (I love TV, what can I say?)” –Amber, https://amberunglamor.wordpress.com/ (I love this answer!)

“Pyjamas + Duvet + My Boyfriend + Chinese takeaway = Perfect Night in.” -Amy, www.blondeamy.wordpress.com

“Takeaway, a great film & a bottle of Prosecco.” -Laura, www.littlelauras.com

“On an ideal Saturday night, the kids are getting along with each other and agree to help me clean up our messes before we all sit down and watch a movie together.” -Ashley, www.phytopretty.com

“A night in with food, comfort and a good conversation.” -Hajara, https://chocolatefrosst.wordpress.com

And the list goes on. It’s fascinating.

Sometimes I wonder- Is it just more acceptable now to stay in more often than go out? Are people just more comfortable admitting it when they’re older? Or does it just seem like a trend to me but actually isn’t one at all?

Are you guys going out less in your 30s? And are you happy about it? Or do you feel like you’re missing out?

Or are you out partying right this second and way too drunk to even read this post? It is Friday night, after all.

2013-12-31 23.49.25

Last year I actually did go to a party on New Years Eve with some coworkers in Indianapolis (we traveled there for work). After working all day, it ended up being lot of fun after all. For sure, staying in isn’t always the best answer 😉

23 responses

  1. Laura – this is fabulous!!!! Thank you so so so much for the mention… beyond chuffed as I know the others will be 😀 As always a very interesting and though provoking post…. staying in is the new going out (well, for me anyways!!) and I love it! Karen Xo

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  2. Reblogged this on Confetti and Curves and commented:
    Awesome post by the lovely Laura on the subject of going out after 30…. also featuring a few comments from participants from Behind The Blog. Can you find yours?! Regardless of age – leave your thoughts guys, I know she’d be delighted to read them 🙂 X

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I’m 23 and I stayed in on NYE and didn’t feel bad for a second. Last year, admittedly, we went to see Prodigy on NYE but it was a gig worth going to. I know that clubbing is over priced and rather disappointing on that night so would much rather spend it with people I actually like and not spend a fortune. Definitely nothing to do with being 30 🙂 x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m 28 and I find myself going out a whole lot less! I was never a huge partier either, but after being busy with work some days I just don’t feel like being social (especially week days!). I’ve also found that if I’m invited out and it’s to a place where parking is questionable, I really can’t be bothered haha

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      • Haha understandable! Also, it’s funny because I live in NJ and if my friends invite me somewhere in the city I have to really think about it! The thoughts that go through my mind are usually “Do I feel like taking the train? If I take the train, I have to make sure I catch the last train back. If I drive, then I have to figure out where to park…” lol

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      • I live in Queens, not even as far as NJ, and even that deters me from going into Manhattan a lot of the time :p Totally understand not wanting to have to drive in from Jersey…or take NJ Transit!


  5. Great post! I am 30 and yes I love staying in too lol. I have never been much of a going out person and I don’t even really care to drink, maybe have one once in a great while. There was only one summer when I was 22 that I was all about going out but it only lasted those few months lol. Then that was it! 🙂 xo

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  6. I’ve never been a clubber either. Staying in is always fine by me even in my twenties to now thirties. I think there are partiers that love the scene and the rest of just don’t. I would agree it seems there are more in the “happy to stay in” group. Honestly, it seems like as teens you look so forward to being old enough to club and party that when you are old enough to…it’s no big deal anymore. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for reading and for the complement, Lisa! Yeah, I totally agree that it’s easier to talk about/not as big a deal now that we’re in our 30s..which is a relief to those of us who were that way throughout our 20s! 🙂

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    • Thanks so much for reading, Carol! Yeah, Jane (my co-blogger) was just talking to me about it now took her sooo much longer to get over a hangover. I wonder what that is? Haha. Yay for hanging with your mam! I had a lovely night with mine as well! 🙂

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  7. Well I have kids so I don’t go out at night. lol I would love more nights out but it’s just not in the cards right now until they’re a little older and I have a trust worthy sitter. I’m not really into going to clubs but I enjoy going to bars or going to concerts. I do like staying in and having friends over for a couple of drinks. Sometimes that’s a lot easier and fun than getting all dressed up and heading out.

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